Awarded System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP 2012
Today I received an email that made my year! I was awarded System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP by Microsoft. Here is the email received:<>
DataCenter Technician Jobs
in Orlando, Florida View and apply for DataCenter Technician jobs in Orlando, Florida at<>
Datacenter Networks
Datacenters are the technology epicenter of today's businesses and the connectivity inside and between datacenters is pivotal
to business <>
Today I received an email that made my year! I was awarded System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP by Microsoft. Here is the email received:<>
DataCenter Technician Jobs
in Orlando, Florida View and apply for DataCenter Technician jobs in Orlando, Florida at<>
Datacenter Networks
Datacenters are the technology epicenter of today's businesses and the connectivity inside and between datacenters is pivotal
to business <>